Socially Balanced Cities
TITLE: Socially Balanced Cities
TYPE OF JOB: Campaign secretariat
CUSTOMER: Realdania
Project summary
If the development in socially deprived residential areas is to be turned around, a new approach is required whereby we shift focus and view residential areas in connection with the rest of the city. Realdania is contributing to this by investing DKK 75 million in the campaign ‘Deprived Residential Areas 2017–2020’. In an ambitious partnership with housing organizations and three municipalities, strategies and concrete projects are being developed in the housing areas Værebro Park in Gladsaxe, Tåstrupgård/ Gadehavegård/Charlottekvarteret in Høje-Taastrup and Stengårdsvej in Esbjerg. DKK 20 million have also been allocated to a fund for innovative projects in the other vulnerable housing areas.
HAUXNER's work
Hauxner has been chosen as the project secretariat for the campaign and will assist Realdania and the local project secretariats over the next 4 years in the creation of change in the deprived residential areas. Hauxner will provide professional input to the local project secretariats, ensure the sharing of knowledge across the campaign, develop and support network activities and serve as the secretariat for a new ‘Change Committee for deprived neighbourhoods’ consisting of key players in the field.
Read the press release about the campaign (available only in Danish)
Bannerimage: © Leif Tuxen